intersectional warrior.
the Tide flows in
diverted directions, some Fish
never get their turn.
where to belong when your
shape doesn’t fit your skin?
i belong to Country.
little bit Mammal, little bit Bird;
Bat Spirit vibrating, flying
between two worlds.
little bit Rat, little bit Duck;
Platypus daughter carrying
Grandfathers Spear,
Grandmothers Shield.
but only ever
a mob of my own,
wandering the Rainbow Rivers
from Mountains to Sea.
sometimes I feel like
I don’t belong…
I don’t fit comfortably.
but neither does Platypus.
or Bat. or Sea Lion.
split between worlds,
they live whole –
celebrating their ‘weird’
with every breath!
everyday warrior…
fighting to be as I am.
swimming against that
monotonous, violent Tide.
scorched by the Sun.
battered by Storms.
tossed by Wind, Wave, Current
and ear-splitting jet skis.
facing battles of mind and
body, memory and being –
every. day.
it never stops at the intersection
of many worlds and only
two bare feet – webbed,
hook clawed and flippered.
everyday warrior… surviving.
overcoming. shooting through
Water and Sky carrying
warm Winds on my fingertips
and Salt in my nose.
Grandfather Rat –
my worth is my Spear;
Grandmother Duck –
Country is my Shield.
though I may always be
between two worlds,
what more could I need?
standing strong with love,
mob of Ancestors at my back,
I am an everyday warrior
fighting to fly free like Bats
from upside down places -
Never alone.
*Poems and artworks by Sara Kian-Judge 2021